Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Planning - SWOT Analysis

When it came to deciding on which task I was going to do for my A2 Advanced Portfolio project I was facing difficulty on choosing. I was torn between either regional magazine print task or the short film task. To help settle which one I was going to choose I decided to create a SWOT analysis table.

(What opportunities are there for success?)
(What could hinder this unsuccessful?)
Film: I can try new software and tools to create something I am not too familiar with to then improve my skills.
Film: I felt that I would be better suited doing the print task, as I believe my creativity would have caused boundaries on the quality of my work.
Film: Opportunities for me to create a film, which uses many different camera angles, shots, mise en scene and offers a good storyline.
 Film: Struggled with finding a genre and what my film would be about, creativity lacked when writing a script.
Print: I’m more skilled in Photoshop and indesign than I am in Final Cut.
Film: I’ve never used a video camera to record film material, I might not know how to use it effectively.
Print: An opportunity to create a good quality regional magazine that uses a running house style, own taken photos and uses effective fonts and colours.
 Print: Taking images and editing them in an effective manner.
Film: I can use knowledge from AS about camera shots and angles and apply them to a project.
Print: I may struggle to find effective pictures.
Film: To advance my camera skills and my skills within Final Cut and other editing software.

Print: I’ve not really had that much time using Photoshop and therefore could increase my skills.
Film: I may struggle to find people who will volunteer to be filmed and also good locations and settings to film on.
Print: Learn better camera skills and Photoshop and Indesign skills.

After evaluating this analysis table I decided on taking the print task route. I did feel like I wanted to do the film task to explore a new area but felt that in the this situation where I was going to be marked for it I felt that a print task could showcase my abilities better.

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