Thursday 24 October 2013

Researching Similar Products - Exposed Magazine

As part of my research and planning it is key that I research similar media products to mine in order to gain ideas and to help further my understanding on the product that I am creating. The research I have done here is on Exposed Magazine, a Sheffield based entertainment magazine which is free but includes adverts.

(Note: Click Images to Enlarge)

Exposed Magazine – Conclusion

After researching Sheffield’s exposed magazine I have come to the conclusion that it is largely a music and entertainment magazine, which is based around people at the age of 18-30. It still counts as a regional magazine however as the material featured in the magazine is all linked into Sheffield including the adverts. This is shown with the features included, which one of them was the Tramlines festival that is located within Sheffield. Also the adverts, which were included, will also have been from local Sheffield businesses, the ale on the first page features a Sheffield page and the advert on the Index page is of the O2 Academy in Sheffield. From these adverts I can put something similar in my own work and put in small adverts based around the local area to increase the magazines authenticity as a regional magazine. However I could also break regional magazine conventions and be more creative by not having adverts at all, I am enabled to do this due to no profit limitations which most regional magazines have.

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