Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Researching Similar Products - Active8 Magazine

As a third and final piece of research into similar regional magazine products I decided to research the magazine Active8. Active8 can be seen as a more similar magazine to that of Gossip where it is basic and doesn't really focus on things such as entertainment which Exposed does.

(Note: Click Images to Enlarge)

Active8 Magazine - Conclusion

The main aspect which stood out at me through my analysis of Active8 was it's use of house-style, while other magazines all have house-stlyes the simple idea of placing the magazines title in the corner of each page stood out to me. It helped keep the magazine more continuos and made it feel like it was the same magazine even though the content may have been drastically different, a problem which I faced when creating my practise magazine. In terms of content it was very parallel to that seen within Gossip where it was aimed at around 30+ onwards. When evaluating through this magazine and Gossip I found the content to be rather boring and felt more comfortable reading the content which was seen in Exposed, which had a target audience of 16-30, with me being 17 I fit into this category and therefore found the content interesting.

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