Sunday 16 February 2014

Anniversary Logo

For the design of the regional magazine I decided to make the particular issue I was designing a special edition issue, the occasion I chose was to commemorate the 10th Year Anniversary of the Magazine. By me designing a magazine like this it means I can have a general theme for my whole magazine content. When I decided to do an Anniversary issue I decided that I would like a particular logo which I could use throughout my main task (regional magazine) and also my ancillary tasks (billboard advertisement, website) as a form of keeping to a particular house style and theme.

I decided to create my logo on Photoshop, I followed a particular Youtube tutorial as I found that I am not skilled enough in Photoshop to create my own logo on my own. The video below is the video which I followed:

I decided to make sure my logo wasn't copying it completely I decided to change certain aspects, such as the font to suit my work and also the stock image in the middle to one which I had taken. I also decided to use a different font as well to give it my own signature touch. I used font which was copyright free known as "Bebas Neue" from, a link can be found here.

After a while of trial and error with certain aspects and tools of Photoshop which I was not familiar with I finally ended up with a finished product and can say that I am relatively pleased with it. The following logo will be used on most of my pieces of work in order to assist in following a particular design house style.

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